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Hey! I'm Charlie.

Charlie Joshua Hodge became interested in music and art through an early love of skateboarding. Charlie showed immense talent in these areas that was noticed by the Scholastic Art Competition.  His senior year, Charlie was awarded the Gold Key at the local level and Silver medal at the national level for an amazing chalk illustration of his grandmother. Charlie also dedicated his extra time at the media production department at Carterville Baptist Church, in Reston, VA.  This gave Charlie his first experience behind a camera. Inspired by this, Charlie is now pursuing a degree in Kinetic Imaging (KI). This degree will allow him to have expertise in Animation, Videography, and Sound. In his free time, Charlie enjoys animating and compiling videos using Adobe After Effects as well as creating sound scapes using various programs such as Audition and REAPER.  

Coursework (VCUarts)

Time Studio: Video, Animation and Sound 

  1. Media Operator - Cartersville Baptist Church Media Ministry

    • Provide technical audio and video support for church congregation

    • Oversee the functions of microphones and speakers

    • Manage multimedia presentations for displaying song lyrics and video illustrations


Adobe Creative suite: 

 After Effects



Reaper (Sound Production Software)

Microsoft Word


Email -

Tel - (703) 899-8777

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